Living Large in America

Sticking with original American values since 1989

Archive for the tag “hope”

Defeat Liberalism. Save America.

For the past four years, the Conservative focus has been on restoring original principles and breaking down big government one bad policy at a time. These goals were realized in the 2010 midterm elections when Republicans took a piece of Congress by gaining control of the House of Representatives. The march continued up through the presidential election, where many hoped to clean house of our socialist leaders. While conservatism failed in this attempt, a very clear distinction was made. Despite all the failings and shortcomings of the first Obama administration, such as record high unemployment, an all-time high in food stamp recipients, record high gas prices, disarray in the Middle East, and blatant contempt for wealth to name a few, half of America still voted for him. Half. Through deductive reasoning, this says to me that at least half of American citizens have either fallen for utopian promises of liberalism or they simply don’t vote on the issues because they are woefully uninformed. So what are we to do?

The enemy to liberty has been re-elected, which means that come four years from now, we won’t need to purposely paint him in a negative light. Not only will he have done that to himself, but his time will be up. This doesn’t change the fact, though, that even with a record as terrible as Obama’s, the American people still saw something they liked. They clung desperately to the smallest pieces of unrealized hope. Who’s to say, then, that an Obama apostle won’t run in 2016, offering the same promises and same dreams, thus setting us up for another era of disgrace?

The first step is to find out what the driving purpose behind voting liberal is. A quick look around the curtain of our current predicament will reveal that the supposed glamour and appeal of liberalism is getting free stuff. But as the principles of conservatism, common sense, and Milton Friedman point out, “there’s no free lunch.” Whether its food stamps, cellphones, or healthcare, these free programs are costing someone money – they’re costing you money. We are supporting a dependency culture that, left unchecked, will only grow and expect more and more. As of today, it is going unchecked and even the sign makers at the zoo know how this crazy experiment will end.

While our current leadership is determined to sink our ship, we must realize that liberalism is the real enemy. Come 2016, it needs to be liberalism that is defeated, no matter who the candidates running may be. And to defeat this evil, it has to be exposed for what it really is. The half of America that voted for the continued destruction of our country needs to know exactly what it is we’re up against. They need to know why Europe is burning. They need to know why violent crime and unemployment are highest in minority communities. They need to recognize that wealth doesn’t stifle prosperity, but instead creates it. This half also needs to understand basic economics and realize that higher taxes won’t solve our problems, no matter who they’re directed towards. Our country doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem and our money is being wasted on frivolous, socialistic programs daily. If this information was made known to your average uninformed liberal, they quite possibly would be ashamed of their ignorance. Possibly.

It is the godless, anti-success, anti-profit, anti-colonialist, racist, murdering Left that, for at least the past fifty years, has methodically led our nation down a path of dependency and destruction. They have been bent on redefining our history, convincing us that we’re not all that exceptional, and that God never has and never will have a place in this country. They also flat out reject the idea that capitalism could ever lead to prosperity, even though it has every time it’s been tried. Instead, they peddle that more and higher taxes are the only way to pay down our debt and fund the government. And the real kicker, which is taking traction now more than ever before, is the idea that a free and virtuous people could never care for themselves nor could they possibly know what is best for society. After all, humans by their very nature are hostile creatures. Instead, what is needed to ensure a safe and secure country is as much government control as possible. As the Democratic National Committee recently added to their platform, government is the only thing we all belong to.

And what makes this situation much more devastating to the future of our independence is that all of these ideas and beliefs are being taught in our schools. Children, when their minds are ripe for molding, are being taught that it was Muslims who first discovered America, our short history is full of decimating civilizations for their resources and wealth, and that the U.S. is the source of all the hate that exists in the world today. They are also taught, or brainwashed, that if they don’t yet have emotional feelings for the opposite sex (never mind that they’re only six years old), they might be homosexual. But that’s okay! In today’s brave new world, it is perfectly acceptable to be gay, and if anyone tries to deny your rights, you can protest outside of a Chick-fil-A, sue for bigotry, and draw unassociated connections to the racial discrimination of the 1960’s – and no one will challenge you because they’re too fearful of being castigated from society.

The threat of liberalism is real and it is one that promises to do more irreversible damage to our future security than any amount of Iranian Fajr-5 rockets could impose. Abraham Lincoln said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” It was true during the Civil War and it is true today. I urge you to simply look across the Atlantic. Spain, France, and Greece are literally collapsing before our eyes. Their failing currency, enormous debt, unending entitlements, and intrusive union control are marching the EU straight over the edge of a cliff. These are all branches from the root of socialism. Now, take a look at us. Our problems are one in the same.

While God will never forsake those who truly obey and trust in His law and grace, we must remember that the true Christian kingdom is not of this world. While we don’t want to experience our own destruction, we must remember that earthly things will come and go, with America being no exception if He so chooses. Over the next four years, I am urging all who are able to educate the public, even in the smallest ways, about the dangers and evil of liberalism. We can’t do it by force, like the Left pummels us with their rule, but we can teach them lovingly. The truth will set you free and if people are really willing to know the facts, they will want to listen.

It is important to keep in mind that of the half that stuck by Obama’s side, a majority of those people are probably oblivious to the state of the nation and world and consequently don’t vote on the issues. To them, it’s all popularity and peer pressure. They do what’s cool, and Obama is cool. Therefore, for all intents and purposes, they’re a blank slate. There is hope in them. If we are to have a viable action plan, this is the group that must be targeted first. Again, even a small effort can reap great benefits. If just one person changes their way of thinking and voting, the world will be reformed for the better.

This is a message that I’ve stated before, but each time it’s repeated it carries new purpose and meaning. It’s also a message that I think most of us understand all too well. Our situation is dire and growing worse every day. We can only be successful in changing course if we are united. As of now, half of us are in the wrong boat and a divergence is quickly approaching, if not already upon us. To ensure our continued prosperity, the goal is simple, direct, and couldn’t be more imperative:

Defeat liberalism. Save America.

Remove Guns, Remove Freedom

By now it should be obvious that any opportunity the Left gets to demonize American values or privileges (AKA rights granted to us all by the Constitution and God) they will pounce on it. The most recent offense, but hardly a new argument, is the demanding of stricter gun control laws in the wake of the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting. At first blush, this would appear a noble cause because who would want another tragedy like this? For our own good, we must ensure that guns are heavily controlled and regulated. After all, at any moment, normal responsible citizens can have their minds filled with power and rage and wind up unloading on a school bus full of children. We must prevent this at all costs! And it is this exact fill-in-the-blank argument that the Left always uses to get their way. Simply pander to people’s fears and emotions, combine it with an agenda to achieve “utopia” and voila; you get the welfare state, endless unemployment insurance, feminism, gay rights activism, wasteful green energy ventures, bank and corporation bailouts, as well as a slew of many other failed liberal ideas.

Now we have this formula once again rearing its head in the form of gun control laws. The Left’s argument is that in order to prevent tragedy and sadness, they must take guns away from everybody. In their eyes, that is the only foolproof way of eliminating gun related violence. But if the end result of ending violent crime is banning guns, could we apply the same acumen in other areas of life as well? What I mean is, if a doctor accidentally kills a patient during surgery, should we ban all surgeries? Or how about the thousands of auto accidents that occur each year? Do we ban all cars and trucks? Of course not. But how should we react when a young woman dies following a “standard procedure” abortion? Or what about the millions of aborted, for that matter? This is an issue entirely in our control and we still choose death for the voiceless. And unfortunately not a whisper of this or related incidents will ever be reported on in the mainstream, even though people are killed everyday. I wonder why that is?

The point is, if you’re savvy on the Left’s politicking, then you probably expected this gun ban reaction upon hearing Friday’s news. You never let a crisis go to waste, right? Supposedly, taking action against guns will prevent criminals from shooting you, or maybe even from becoming criminals at all. But since when do criminals obey the law? They’re criminals because they break the law and putting tighter laws on gun ownership will by no means diminish this probability. This is all just cover fire to mask their true intentions; to slowly and discreetly remove our rights and freedoms one at a time. The truth is that if Cinemark Theaters allowed concealed firearms, no one in that theater may have been killed at all. The majority of Americans, as in almost all of them, will never have the faintest thought of taking someones life. But the Left wants you to believe that we’re all cold-blooded murders at heart just waiting for the wrong catalyst to set us off. If that were the case, I’d be scared of me too! Is it any wonder that with a mentality such as this the Left retains its choke hold on the dependent portion of the population? They’ve been conditioned to run to the protective shelter of government when they’re scared. It is for this very reason that action needs to be taken and those who wish to whittle down our rights need to be removed from office come November. There was a time when we depended on each other in situations of need, sadness, or fear. While we can’t go back, we can certainly move forward with the same ideals and beliefs… and we must.

The “Penalty” of Progressive Leadership

Where were you when freedom died? Okay, maybe that’s taking this a little far. Maybe. I mean, there are millions of Americans, a majority I might add, who aren’t quite ready to go down without a fight. So to phrase this more accurately, then, where were you when freedom was so badly altered that we may never recognize it again? I was at work around 10:15AM awaiting the verdict on Obamacare from the U.S. Supreme Court. And it was in the minutes that followed when I realized that a piece of our liberty died. The most controversial portion, the individual mandate to purchase health insurance, of the health care law was, to the surprise of many, upheld. Granted, it was ruled unconstitutional under the Commerce Clause, meaning we can’t actually be forced to purchase something. However, the actual justification may prove to make us far worse off. Instead of forcefully imposing laws on us, Congress can now, well, forcefully impose laws on us. Except the catch is they can do it under threat of a “penalty.”

So what does this penalty actually entail? Essentially, while no one on the Left is ready to admit it, this penalty is really a tax imposed on those who choose not to comply with any given government edict. It begins with healthcare; if you don’t want to purchase a healthcare plan, fine, but you’ll pay a tax for non-compliance. But the disturbing question is where does this taxing power end? What if the government decides it’s in everyone’s best interest to install solar panels or a wind turbine on their house? Or how about, in an effort to help out union jobs and wages (or save the world?), everyone has to purchase a Chevy Volt? Or what if in an attempt to totally collapse America, the federal government decides to limit population growth with a ‘one-child-per-family’ law? And if you choose not to abide by these rules, you’re “penalized” with a tax. And make no mistake, these taxes will be designed to be so devastating to the average American family that you may have no choice but to install that solar panel, buy a Volt, or limit your family to one cute little bundle of joy. How’s that for freedom, America?

It is indeed frightening to think about, but with this Supreme Court ruling, none of these “mandates,” or any other for that matter, are truly out of the realm of possibility. That’s what you call precedent and you can thank the progressive leaning Supreme Court for this un-American turn of events (seriously, thank them right now at 202-479-3000).

So how do we combat such a ruling when it’s the supreme law of the land? The answer is simple; never allow a progressive president, Democrat or Republican, to ever come to power again. Conservatives only from this point on is the singular fix for our current national debacle. Leftist representatives have gotten us into this mess and they no longer deserve a seat at the table of Liberty. They have worn out their welcome long ago, yet somehow we still humor them every four years. We need to start rolling back the mistakes of the past with a Conservative victory this November.

Allow me to leave you with this thought, America: We will never again be as free as we were on June 27th, 2012. It is now up to us to provide new guards for our future security. There have been terrible wrongs committed against our nation, but we can be restored to the vision of our Founders. Hope is not lost, especially not for a nation whose God is the Lord. Giving up now will surely condemn us to failure. But fighting for what is right and true can only lead to triumph.

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