Living Large in America

Sticking with original American values since 1989

Archive for the tag “believe”

The Power of Everyday Prayer

As a Christian, I pray everyday. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17). I like to think of prayer as having a conversation with Jesus, because that is truly what it is. Sometimes it can be hard to imagine an all-knowing, benevolent Power being so involved in our daily lives, but that’s exactly who God is. He is involved in every breath we take and blesses us with goodness everyday, even if we don’t realize it. Consider the following:

As I said, I pray everyday and above all else, I pray for a safe and healthy day. Not just for myself, but more importantly for my lovely fiance. As a self-made sinner, I worry about little things everyday including the safety and health of my future wife. I think of her as she travels to class or to work, or when she makes the long journey home to see me. Occasionally I’ll stop and think that a million terrible things could happen to her, or anyone of us, throughout our normal daily adventures. If you don’t agree, ask the families of the victims of 9/11 if they anticipated losing a loved one on that beautiful Tuesday morning. Lord willing that won’t ever happen again, but it can. So despite the horrors (and because of them) that exist in this world, I talk with God daily, without ceasing. Yes, I talk with Him because an actual conversation is taking place, a conversation between two people. I ask for the Lord’s blessing of my fiance everyday, and everyday He answers by keeping her safe. What a miracle! Terrible things could happen but they don’t. The Lord and His angels protect my fiance and I from the devil and his demons constantly as He surely protects you as well.

Now let’s ponder this: Few are quick to deny that evil exists in this world but yet we are to believe that we live an existence without God. So how is it that we all haven’t been wiped out already? Natural disasters, car accidents, health issues, and terrorism all threaten to cut our time on Earth short, but everyday most of us prevail. If you haven’t realized already, it is a true miracle that you are alive today. Both God’s bountiful blessing and His Will have brought you to this point all in hopes that you will recognize His dominion over all creation. While we have free will to deny Jesus and make other poor, un-Godly decisions, He has the final say. He knows what is in your heart and knows whether, in the end, you will come to accept His loving kindness or reject Him to all eternity. Spoiler alert: the latter doesn’t end so well. But despite the path you may choose, God will still bless you in His own time. So what an insult it is to reject someone who has and will provide you with so much. That’s like rejecting a parent who has provided your every need while growing up. Now picture Jesus as the parent. Rejecting Him is infinitely worse than doing so to your mom or dad.

So as you go about your daily Christian work, don’t forget that we are expected to pray. Not only does God want us to turn to Him everyday, but He also wants us to pray so He can answer our prayers! Whatever true believers ask in prayer, they will receive! (Matt. 21:22) Maybe not that day or that year or in the way we’d expect, but God does come through. Thanks to the love of Jesus, God does not turn his back on us. Trust in the Lord with all your heart! Amen.

It’s Not Over Yet!

For many true Conservatives, today was probably a somber day. Rick Santorum, presidential hopeful, formally suspended his campaign in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I was indeed shocked by this news. I had put a lot of hope and prayer into Rick knowing that he truly was a conservative alternative to our socialist leader, Barack Obama. But we, as sinful humans who deserve eternal punishment, are not in control of what happens here on Earth. This can be a daunting thought for our limited minds to comprehend, but it’s only an illusion. The Author, the Creator of the universe is in total and complete control and His Will be done. As we now see, Rick Santorum was not meant to be president of these United States. Rick was never meant to take control of our dire economic and social situation and turn it around for the better. For reasons we probably will never know, Rick Santorum was not meant to be Mr. President, at least not yet.

But I urge you not to be down and do not lose hope. Everything that God does, even though seemingly bad at first, always turns to good. That’s how much He loves us. Our nation is still overwhelmingly Christian and God will not allow his people to suffer forever. We may hit hard times, even harder than we are facing now, but we must never forget the eventual good. Mitt Romney will probably end up being the Republican nominee and represent our Conservative views this summer. Do I think Mitt is the best choice for this position? No. Do I think he can beat Barack Obama? Absolutely! As conservative commentator Glenn Beck harkens repeatedly, the truth has no agenda. The American people are not stupid. We won’t have the wool pulled over our eyes. Many Americans know the kind of damage this current regime has done to our nation. They also know that four more years of the same failed policies will almost definitely place us in a position of irreversible suffering. We can’t allow this to happen. Not in the Land of the Free.

If we lose hope now, all will be lost. But I know that you won’t give up. We must now place our support behind Mitt Romney for President because he can beat Obama. We have to expose the truth and let the American people know that Obama is wrong for our country. Most already realize, but still many do not. The coming months will be trying and the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare could change the face of our nation forever. Now is not the time to let go of the wheel. Rick brought us this far, but now we must see how much further we are willing to push ourselves. Continue to pray and God will not allow us to falter. Victory can be had, but only if we firmly believe we can obtain it. God Bless America.

The Time is Now

I have fostered many friendships in my life. Some have diminished and some have grown stronger. Of the friends that still remain, a few seem to be stuck in a rut. They let on that politics hardly controls their way of life and that the people we elect will always preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Their beliefs, though, are proving to be mere fantasy. Our nation is at a crossroads right now. We have had three years to discover if Barack Obama would live up to all the hype. He has not. He has not eliminated poverty, reduced unemployment, lowered gas prices or the sea levels. He has not ushered in an era of hope and change. Instead, he has made matters much worse. Many have realized this, but still some have not. This message is for the latter.

Four years ago, you may have fallen for Obama’s bit; the massive crowds, the fainting, the support on MTV, the Shepard Fairey portrait, etc.. Four years later, you are realizing that you had no idea what chaos and destruction or lies this President and his administration were capable of. Though these things weren’t what we were promised or depicted in a painting, they’ve always existed. This was always the plan. Now, our world has now been turned upside down. Unemployment is up, gas is up, and the amount of people depending on food stamps is at record highs. Our national debt is steaming its way to $17 trillion and our deficits have never been greater. Additionally, the Democrat controlled Senate has not passed a budget in far more than 1,000 days. The Middle East is being torn apart, Islamic terrorists still threaten us daily, but the President is cutting defense. Immigration reform has stalled and attacks on Freedom of Religion have never been more prevalent. Gay marriage is becoming acceptable in more and more states and legal abortion has led to the death of over a million fetuses in the past three years. On top of all this, we are on the verge of allowing the federal government unprecedented access to our most intimate issues, our healthcare, at a cost now nearly estimated to double in just ten years. If freedom was irrelevant, would you choose to live in the United States today? We are going the wrong way down a one way street. A collision is imminent.

Presented with all this dire information, I pray to our Lord Jesus that you have all been converted or remain steadfast to Conservatism. But you still may not have an opinion or stance. I beg the question in a time like this, how could you not? I’m not asking anyone to form a radical militia, to harm others, or forcibly impose your ideals on them. That’s not freedom. That’s tyranny, and that’s what this current administration desires. We can change minds by being peaceful. We can change minds by speaking and adhering to the truth. We can change minds by placing a firm, a firm, reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence. It can be done and it must be done. Our Founding Fathers never could have imagined a time when the very form of government they created to prevent tyranny would be morphed and transformed into a power hungry menace. My friends, look around you. Listen to your heart and put your brain in the back seat for just one second. We are at a massive impasse, the likes of which may determine if our children and grandchildren will be free… or if you and I will remain free. History tells us that all those who have lost their freedom to tyranny have never tasted it again. We must all now wonder, will we be next? We are not invincible. It can happen. As surely as I live and breathe, the events of today will be in the history books of tomorrow.

I am here, though, to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way. We don’t have to be next in line to surrender our liberties to a tyrant. We don’t have to wonder if the future will be safe for our children. We can make it safe. We can vanquish these hostile people, those who threaten our rights and freedom, and we can sleep in peace at night knowing we made a difference, that we changed the world. We were all meant to be here, at this specific point in time for a reason. We must not squander such a gift! It will take prayer and thought and soul searching, but you and I will discover our reason of being. We have a purpose. I do not believe that persecution can overcome our American spirit. I refuse to believe that we will be next to lose our freedom as I refuse to believe we can’t come together. I will choose the United States of America every time. I implore you to stand with freedom and stand with God. We can only be truly triumphant by trusting in the very Author of our unalienable rights. Turn to your neighbor and those who are already standing against liberal injustices. Help others and they will assuredly help you. Remain steadfast against all odds and we will persevere. If we are united, we can win! Today, together, we must mutually pledge our Lives, our Fortune, and our sacred Honor to ensure America and Liberty survive… because they must.

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